Someone whispered "his secretary" and a few sympathetic, though
patronizing, gazes swept in her direction. Amy felt the thick
makeup smudge and she frantically tried to fix her face as the
minister concluded his remarks. Gradually the crowd melted away,
each mourner offering condolences to the daughter. Kathryn
gratefully accepted their soft, supportive words. A. A.last of the
black umbrellas deserted the burial ground, Amy trotted to catch up
and blend in with the departing crowd. Kathyrn caught her before
she was able to escape.
Kathryn looked more beautiful, more poised than she ever had.
Even in her expensive, severe designer black dress and hat, she was
a stunning young woman.
"Amy? Amy Walenski?" Her rich, cultured voice reached out for
"Uh, hi, uh, Mrs.-"
Kathryn chuckled. "Ms. Baines again, actually. I've been sticking
with the maiden name, ever since I got divorced. But let's go with
good ole Kathryn for now, shall we? Like in the good old days at
Bentson High, o.k.?"
Amy nodded. She couldn't, wouldn't tell her what a monster her
father had been. It was over. Amy would let it lie. "Fine, Kathryn
then. I'm, uh, sor---," She stopped, then resumed. "You have my
sympathy for your father."
Kathryn nodded. "Thank you. But it must be a difficult time for
you as well. I know Daddy enjoyed having you work for him a
great deal."
Amy nodded listlessly. "I should go--"
Kathryn touched her bare arm. "Wait. Could you come to the
house, after the reception that is? Daddy left you a legacy,
something that came up in the reading of the will this morning."
She looked in the distance wistfully. "In his declining years, he
wanted to pass on what he could to those who he cared for. I think
there was, frankly, some guilt there. Won't you come-- say about
Amy smiled and nodded. Could it be? She nodded. "O.k. I'll be
Kathryn beamed, the first time Amy had seen her smile that day.
"Look! The sun is coming out! How nice. I'll see you at seven,
The first place Amy went after leaving the funeral was a dress shop.
Her purse held the first paycheck from the First Metropolitan Bank
that she had ever been permitted to cash entirely. She was amazed
at the amount. Till now Baines had cashed her check for her,
limiting her to no more than twenty dollars a paycheck to keep for
herself, the rest going to pay off the mortgage. But with Baines no
longer able to control her, she had received her last paycheck
directly. It wasn't a lot of money but it may as well have been a
fortune. She knew the first thing she would purchase-- a new
No more K-Mart slut panties, she thought as she bought a
comfortable pair of cotton panties. No more Wonder Bras, she
thought as she pulled a Maidenform off the rack. The spandex mini
was replaced with a pair of casual slacks, the clingy top with a
simple pullover. All were neutral colors-- she would never wear
bright reds or midnight blacks again! Spike heels were thrown
away in favor of simple blue navy flats. As she walked out of the
store, she sighed, a natural, not a slut, smile on her face for the
first time in two years.
Amy considered her situation with rising confidence. SHE would
manage her salary. Human Resources had already said she might
stay on, maybe even as a trainee teller! SHE would cover the
mortgage, maybe put the house she now hated up for sale. She
didn't think Wendell would argue with that, if they could get a
buyer. And even if they couldn't, to hell with it. They would get a
lawyer or work something out. Without Baines acting as
puppetmaster to the married couple, they would be fine, if she
could just win Wendell back.
She would bring Wendell back. He was so far away from her now,
but she would make that change. The look in his eyes when he saw
her dressed like a slut said he had given up, but that could be
changed. The condoms he had found, she could come up with an
explanation now, that Baines was gone. Maybe not tell Wendell
EVERYTHING that had happened, no that would only make him
feel more worthless than the last two years already had, but she
could tell him some things, maybe the less awful parts. Then he
would understand. And maybe he would stop drinking so much.
They could make love again-- it had been so long, Mr. Baines didn't
permit it, hadn't permitted it, Amy corrected herself, for over a year.
And, yes, maybe he would love her again, his Amy, his Ivory Girl!
She returned home disappointed not to find Wendell home. A
quick call to the factory switchboard told her he had been called in
to work an extended shift-- a man was sick and he would be
needed, with a break in between, to work two shifts. Amy eagerly
started to clean the little ranch house, picking up all Wendell's
empties and the dishes that were heaped high in the sink. There
never seemed any time or any point before now to keeping a nice
home, but the rushing feeling of freedom energized Amy. She
scoured the place from stem to stern, whistling happily as she saw
the future open up before she and Wendell.
At seven 'o clock, dressed in her new street clothes, she arrived at
the Baines residence. Now Kathryn won't think I'm such a tramp,
she thought proudly.
Kathryn greeted her politely, even jittery, as if making up her mind
about how to handle the encounter. As her slate eyes took in the
sight of Amy's new outfit, she smiled as if she had reached
resolution to her decision.
"Come in, Amy."
Amy nodded, trying not to be too cheery in the presence of a
woman who had just lost her father. She followed her into a den
that served as Baines' home office. Kathryn seated herself behind
the desk, inviting Amy to take the chair opposite.
"So, where to begin? How have you been?" The voice was
interested, the slate eyes eerily reminiscent of the father's--
sparkling with hard-edged brilliance.
Amy smiled. "Just fine. You know, Wendell and I are married."
Kathryn tossed her short straight blonde hair to one side. "Yes, I
had heard that. How's Wendell doing? Does he like his job as a,
what is his career in, uh, dishwashing?"
Amy's smile fell. "He's a security guard. Why did you want me to
come here, Kathryn?"
The slate eyes burned. "Let's make it 'Ms. Baines, shall we?"
Amy reacted at once, the stab of fear making her brown eyes blink.
"O.k.," she swallowed hard, "let's just get it over with, Miz Baines.
I have a husband to go home to."
Her former classmate nodded. "Fine. As you know, my father and
I were very close. My mother never understood that, which was
why Daddy had to do what he did. I can't blame him for having her
set up for drug possession charges-- a whole kilo of coke!
Sometimes I think he overdid that part, but it did get her major
prison time. That way he and I could be together all the more.
With her put away for life, well..." She lingering on the thought,
then returned. "Anyway we were close-- I think you know what
I'm alluding to. But I don't want to overestimate your intelligence,
so I'll spell it out so they'll be no mistaking: my father and I were
Amy gasped. There wasn't any depth to which Bob Baines hadn't
"And so, he was terribly upset when I was smitten with big, dumb
Wendell. BUT he accepted. After all, he wanted me to get on with
my life. But I was stupid. I fell for a fool that would chose a
simpy little bitch like you over me."
Amy flushed. The daughter was as evil as the father had been.
"Gone on--"
"Ms. Baines," Kathryn insisted.
"Ms. Baines," Amy added impatiently.
"Daddy was furious. He couldn't understand it either. So he had
Wendell targeted for a hit and run," she continued, nonchalantly.
"That moron would PAY for crossing me." Kathryn's slate eyes
flashed. in amusement at the remark she had just made.
Amy's face paled into an ashen gray.
"Daddy sent me away to school. It helped-- things got better. But
with Mother locked up, Daddy didn't have a playmate. That was
when I thought of you Amy. And what a wonderful little slut you
could be trained to be. Daddy remembered you from our slumber
parties and liked the idea. I gave him ALL KINDS OF IDEAS,
ways he could break you, mold you into the perfect little cock-
hungry office slut you were born to be. A BIMBO. I couldn't stand
the thought of you being a good little housewifey for big stupid I helped Daddy turn you into his private whore."
Kathryn Baines held a keychain with Amy's engagement ring and
wedding band. It wasn't Bob Baine's chain-- it was hers.
"Fuck you," Amy said firmly. She stood up to go. Behind her,
there wawawclick of a remote and the sound of a moan. She
turned around.
Kathyrn was watching a VHS tape on the television on the
credenza. Amy watched herself on the screen, clad only in spike
heels and a dog collar that was leashed to the leg of a chair. She
was on her back pouting at a figure off-screen.
"Please fuck me Mister! Please!" she begged in a little-girl voice.
If you looked carefully, you could see the hesitation in her eyes.
But it wasn't likely that a viewer would catch that nuance-- the main
action was too distracting. Following a muted order, she spread her
legs wide and began to masturbate for her unseen lover's
amusement. With practiced heat, she arched her back and came for
her man, three fingers buried deep in the slick, shaven pussy.
Resuming her prone position, she brought the fingers to her lips,
and with feline grace, began licking each digit. Throughout, her
fearful eyes were glued to the unknown ringmaster. After a few
moments, she smiled, a wide "Fuck me hard" smile and rolled onto
her fours. "Hey Mister? I love it doggie style 'cause I'm such a
little bitch in heat!" she purred. The camera faded to black.
Amy looked at Kathryn's steely eyes, then dropped her own. For
another woman to see this degradation...
"No, Amy--- to answer your earlier comment, fuck YOU. I know
Daddy did, and often." Kathryn's laughter trilled lightly through the
large empty house. "Anyway, you should be a respectful girl to
your new landlady."
Kathryn clicked open a safe and pulled out a sheaf of papers.
"Daddy bought your mortgage when you foreclosed. He owned the
note from the bank. You stupid bitch, you've been paying him
RENT for the last two years. You lost all your principal YEARS
ago. The only reason your in-laws weren't thrown out was because
Daddy didn't need to, seeing as how you were being such a good
little slut for him. But even though he could have and didn't does
mean I can't. You see, I own the paper on the house now."
All for nothing. It had all been for nothing-- the humiliation, the
pain, the torture. She had endured it all for...nothing. The
secretary felt the familiar feeling of powerlessness over her life come
settling back in around her. Freedom. It was unfair, she had felt
it, tasted it,---
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Freedom at last? - Never
Someone whispered "his secretary" and a few sympathetic, though
patronizing, gazes swept in her direction. Amy felt the thick
makeup smudge and she frantically tried to fix her face as the
minister concluded his remarks. Gradually the crowd melted away,
each mourner offering condolences to the daughter. Kathryn
gratefully accepted their soft, supportive words. A. A.last of the
black umbrellas deserted the burial ground, Amy trotted to catch up
and blend in with the departing crowd. Kathyrn caught her before
she was able to escape.
Kathryn looked more beautiful, more poised than she ever had.
Even in her expensive, severe designer black dress and hat, she was
a stunning young woman.
"Amy? Amy Walenski?" Her rich, cultured voice reached out for
"Uh, hi, uh, Mrs.-"
Kathryn chuckled. "Ms. Baines again, actually. I've been sticking
with the maiden name, ever since I got divorced. But let's go with
good ole Kathryn for now, shall we? Like in the good old days at
Bentson High, o.k.?"
Amy nodded. She couldn't, wouldn't tell her what a monster her
father had been. It was over. Amy would let it lie. "Fine, Kathryn
then. I'm, uh, sor---," She stopped, then resumed. "You have my
sympathy for your father."
Kathryn nodded. "Thank you. But it must be a difficult time for
you as well. I know Daddy enjoyed having you work for him a
great deal."
Amy nodded listlessly. "I should go--"
Kathryn touched her bare arm. "Wait. Could you come to the
house, after the reception that is? Daddy left you a legacy,
something that came up in the reading of the will this morning."
She looked in the distance wistfully. "In his declining years, he
wanted to pass on what he could to those who he cared for. I think
there was, frankly, some guilt there. Won't you come-- say about
Amy smiled and nodded. Could it be? She nodded. "O.k. I'll be
Kathryn beamed, the first time Amy had seen her smile that day.
"Look! The sun is coming out! How nice. I'll see you at seven,
The first place Amy went after leaving the funeral was a dress shop.
Her purse held the first paycheck from the First Metropolitan Bank
that she had ever been permitted to cash entirely. She was amazed
at the amount. Till now Baines had cashed her check for her,
limiting her to no more than twenty dollars a paycheck to keep for
herself, the rest going to pay off the mortgage. But with Baines no
longer able to control her, she had received her last paycheck
directly. It wasn't a lot of money but it may as well have been a
fortune. She knew the first thing she would purchase-- a new
No more K-Mart slut panties, she thought as she bought a
comfortable pair of cotton panties. No more Wonder Bras, she
thought as she pulled a Maidenform off the rack. The spandex mini
was replaced with a pair of casual slacks, the clingy top with a
simple pullover. All were neutral colors-- she would never wear
bright reds or midnight blacks again! Spike heels were thrown
away in favor of simple blue navy flats. As she walked out of the
store, she sighed, a natural, not a slut, smile on her face for the
first time in two years.
Amy considered her situation with rising confidence. SHE would
manage her salary. Human Resources had already said she might
stay on, maybe even as a trainee teller! SHE would cover the
mortgage, maybe put the house she now hated up for sale. She
didn't think Wendell would argue with that, if they could get a
buyer. And even if they couldn't, to hell with it. They would get a
lawyer or work something out. Without Baines acting as
puppetmaster to the married couple, they would be fine, if she
could just win Wendell back.
She would bring Wendell back. He was so far away from her now,
but she would make that change. The look in his eyes when he saw
her dressed like a slut said he had given up, but that could be
changed. The condoms he had found, she could come up with an
explanation now, that Baines was gone. Maybe not tell Wendell
EVERYTHING that had happened, no that would only make him
feel more worthless than the last two years already had, but she
could tell him some things, maybe the less awful parts. Then he
would understand. And maybe he would stop drinking so much.
They could make love again-- it had been so long, Mr. Baines didn't
permit it, hadn't permitted it, Amy corrected herself, for over a year.
And, yes, maybe he would love her again, his Amy, his Ivory Girl!
She returned home disappointed not to find Wendell home. A
quick call to the factory switchboard told her he had been called in
to work an extended shift-- a man was sick and he would be
needed, with a break in between, to work two shifts. Amy eagerly
started to clean the little ranch house, picking up all Wendell's
empties and the dishes that were heaped high in the sink. There
never seemed any time or any point before now to keeping a nice
home, but the rushing feeling of freedom energized Amy. She
scoured the place from stem to stern, whistling happily as she saw
the future open up before she and Wendell.
At seven 'o clock, dressed in her new street clothes, she arrived at
the Baines residence. Now Kathryn won't think I'm such a tramp,
she thought proudly.
Kathryn greeted her politely, even jittery, as if making up her mind
about how to handle the encounter. As her slate eyes took in the
sight of Amy's new outfit, she smiled as if she had reached
resolution to her decision.
"Come in, Amy."
Amy nodded, trying not to be too cheery in the presence of a
woman who had just lost her father. She followed her into a den
that served as Baines' home office. Kathryn seated herself behind
the desk, inviting Amy to take the chair opposite.
"So, where to begin? How have you been?" The voice was
interested, the slate eyes eerily reminiscent of the father's--
sparkling with hard-edged brilliance.
Amy smiled. "Just fine. You know, Wendell and I are married."
Kathryn tossed her short straight blonde hair to one side. "Yes, I
had heard that. How's Wendell doing? Does he like his job as a,
what is his career in, uh, dishwashing?"
Amy's smile fell. "He's a security guard. Why did you want me to
come here, Kathryn?"
The slate eyes burned. "Let's make it 'Ms. Baines, shall we?"
Amy reacted at once, the stab of fear making her brown eyes blink.
"O.k.," she swallowed hard, "let's just get it over with, Miz Baines.
I have a husband to go home to."
Her former classmate nodded. "Fine. As you know, my father and
I were very close. My mother never understood that, which was
why Daddy had to do what he did. I can't blame him for having her
set up for drug possession charges-- a whole kilo of coke!
Sometimes I think he overdid that part, but it did get her major
prison time. That way he and I could be together all the more.
With her put away for life, well..." She lingering on the thought,
then returned. "Anyway we were close-- I think you know what
I'm alluding to. But I don't want to overestimate your intelligence,
so I'll spell it out so they'll be no mistaking: my father and I were
Amy gasped. There wasn't any depth to which Bob Baines hadn't
"And so, he was terribly upset when I was smitten with big, dumb
Wendell. BUT he accepted. After all, he wanted me to get on with
my life. But I was stupid. I fell for a fool that would chose a
simpy little bitch like you over me."
Amy flushed. The daughter was as evil as the father had been.
"Gone on--"
"Ms. Baines," Kathryn insisted.
"Ms. Baines," Amy added impatiently.
"Daddy was furious. He couldn't understand it either. So he had
Wendell targeted for a hit and run," she continued, nonchalantly.
"That moron would PAY for crossing me." Kathryn's slate eyes
flashed. in amusement at the remark she had just made.
Amy's face paled into an ashen gray.
"Daddy sent me away to school. It helped-- things got better. But
with Mother locked up, Daddy didn't have a playmate. That was
when I thought of you Amy. And what a wonderful little slut you
could be trained to be. Daddy remembered you from our slumber
parties and liked the idea. I gave him ALL KINDS OF IDEAS,
ways he could break you, mold you into the perfect little cock-
hungry office slut you were born to be. A BIMBO. I couldn't stand
the thought of you being a good little housewifey for big stupid I helped Daddy turn you into his private whore."
Kathryn Baines held a keychain with Amy's engagement ring and
wedding band. It wasn't Bob Baine's chain-- it was hers.
"Fuck you," Amy said firmly. She stood up to go. Behind her,
there wawawclick of a remote and the sound of a moan. She
turned around.
Kathyrn was watching a VHS tape on the television on the
credenza. Amy watched herself on the screen, clad only in spike
heels and a dog collar that was leashed to the leg of a chair. She
was on her back pouting at a figure off-screen.
"Please fuck me Mister! Please!" she begged in a little-girl voice.
If you looked carefully, you could see the hesitation in her eyes.
But it wasn't likely that a viewer would catch that nuance-- the main
action was too distracting. Following a muted order, she spread her
legs wide and began to masturbate for her unseen lover's
amusement. With practiced heat, she arched her back and came for
her man, three fingers buried deep in the slick, shaven pussy.
Resuming her prone position, she brought the fingers to her lips,
and with feline grace, began licking each digit. Throughout, her
fearful eyes were glued to the unknown ringmaster. After a few
moments, she smiled, a wide "Fuck me hard" smile and rolled onto
her fours. "Hey Mister? I love it doggie style 'cause I'm such a
little bitch in heat!" she purred. The camera faded to black.
Amy looked at Kathryn's steely eyes, then dropped her own. For
another woman to see this degradation...
"No, Amy--- to answer your earlier comment, fuck YOU. I know
Daddy did, and often." Kathryn's laughter trilled lightly through the
large empty house. "Anyway, you should be a respectful girl to
your new landlady."
Kathryn clicked open a safe and pulled out a sheaf of papers.
"Daddy bought your mortgage when you foreclosed. He owned the
note from the bank. You stupid bitch, you've been paying him
RENT for the last two years. You lost all your principal YEARS
ago. The only reason your in-laws weren't thrown out was because
Daddy didn't need to, seeing as how you were being such a good
little slut for him. But even though he could have and didn't does
mean I can't. You see, I own the paper on the house now."
All for nothing. It had all been for nothing-- the humiliation, the
pain, the torture. She had endured it all for...nothing. The
secretary felt the familiar feeling of powerlessness over her life come
settling back in around her. Freedom. It was unfair, she had felt
it, tasted it,---
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