Three years later...
For a mini-financial empire, Baines Holding Company was
actually headquartered in a small office suite, comprising of
Kathryn Baine's sumptuous office that could and did second as a
conference room and the small anteroom outside where a bored
secretary sat filing her nails.
Jackson had drunk in the secretary when he had come for the
meeting. She was a medium-sized blonde with average looks and
build, but her overall bearing was definitely less than professional.
And from the obviously dark roots, the hair color was definitely
temporary. He couldn't believe the twenty-something was
dressed for her work, unless the work was streetwalking. The
yellow tube top, the tiny spandex blue miniskirt, the yellow silk
stockings and blue high heels-- it all spelled SLUT in big bright
letters. She was a class-A bimbo, even down to the gum
"Tim Jackson here to see Kathryn Baines, Miss," he looked at the
name plate but there was no last name, 'uh, Amy."
The blonde fluttered her eyes and ran her hands through her hair,
a big, wild mop of platinum curls that ran crazily off her
shoulders. She eyed him with an intensity that caught him off
guard. Was she hot for him, or was that just imagination? And
him with a wife and two kids.
"Yes, sir, Mr. Jackson," she purred. "Ms. Baines?" she spoke into
the intercom. "Mr. Jackson is here to see you."
The cold, efficient voice of Kathryn Baines responded promptly.
"Be a good girl and make sure he's comfortable, Amy. I'll be with
him in ten minutes. Then come in here. I need you for
"Yes, Ma'am. At once Ma'am," the secretary replied. Was that
fear he heard in her voice? But she was smiling now, smiling at
him, her attention focused on the executive. She immediately
thrust out her pert little A-cup breasts in his direction and beamed
a big, playful smile at the visitor. He noticed the subtle grind the
girl made as she put her hands demurely on her hips as she rose.
"May I fetch you some coffee, Mr. Jackson? A soft drink?" She
pouted when he shook his head. "Nothing, Sir? Please, if I can
get anything for you, make you more comfy in ANY way I
can...." She let the promise hang, as she played with her hair, her
eyes obviously lingering in the direction of Jackson's crotch. He
couldn't believe what a slutty performance the bimbo was putting
on for him...except for one thing. It was working. He was
smiling-- in contempt, true. But he was smiling. And he was
getting an erection.
With a sexy sulky look, she opened Kathryn Baine's door. As the
door closed, Jackson could hear muffled talking and an
occasional giggle from the secretary. Twenty minutes later she
emerged, wiping her lips with one hand and pulling up her tube
top with the other.
"Ms. Baines will see you now, sir." Her brown eyes were
burning coals for him. He was happily married and she wasn't
beautiful or anything, but Tim Jackson was thinking hard about
getting her phone number. He hadn't seen any ring on her finger
and she was more than available. If he knew his women
correctly, this slut was hungry for a good, hard cock.
"Jackson? Jackson?" Kathryn tried to get his attention from the
blonde's swaying ass, a bright blue pendulum in her spandex
miniskirt. As the horny little secretary bent over to do some
filing, he could see without any problem that she was wearing a
red thong lace panty! He forced himself to stand up and smile at
Kathryn. He was holding his briefcase over his midsection.
Wouldn't do to let the Dragon Lady see him with an erection.
"So, the Bentson County Toxic Waste Authority wants my
property,' she began, seating herself behind the massive desk.
Jackson pulled out the papers. "Yes, we want to expand and as
you know the property is essentially worthless now-- a fact you
can't disapprove of, given that your father pushed for the facility a
few years ago. Are there any tenants currently in the property?"
"Daddy wanted to clean up the trash problem here in Bentson,
Mr. Jackson." The severe blond smiled. Jackson was repulsed.
She was attractive in a conventional way, but she was so damn
cold, a damn Ice Queen. "But that doesn't mean I'm giving
anything away. As to the tenants, no, there are none. There was
as a couple who lived there years ago, but they divorced and split
up. My secretary as a matter of fact and her ex-husband. They
BOTH work for me so I let her husband stay at a rooming house I
own as part of his compensation. I use him as a janitor at the
factory I own."
"And, the uh, secretary?,' Jackson asked, a little flushed.
"She rents from me, again part of our employment arrangement. I
have a spare bedroom I let her live in. Very convenient to have
her around night and day. Commerce never sleeps Mr. Jackson!"
Kathryn Baines used one of her father's favorite expressions.
"Back to figures, Mr. Jackson. What figure are you proposing?"
"Fifty thousand and you level the house." She was known as a
tough negotiator and he didn't flinch as he made the offer.
"Sixty...and YOU level it," she countered.
Jackson could go to sixty but what the hell choice did she have?
Why should he let her off the hook? Records showed her father
had foreclosed on the property and made a killing. She would
already make more than enough. He shook his head, refusing the
"Do you like my secretary, Mr. Jackson?" Before he could
answer, she buzzed the young woman in. Amy pranced in, as if
she had been expecting this, readying herself.
"Well, Mr. Jackson?" she repeated.
Jackson gulped. The peroxide blonde was licking her lips, hands
on her hips, looking straight at him... "She's an attractive young
woman, Ms. Baines, still I hardly know what this has to--"
"Just 'attractive'? Look you're hurting Amy's feelings!" Baines
smirked in mock indignation. And in fact the secretary was
pouting, her lower lip stuck out petulantly.
"Very pretty then."
"Would you say 'sexy' Mr. Jackson?" Kathyrn Baines demanded.
His vocal cord was there, he knew it. He found it, then managed
a low "Yes." The girl beamed now, the ultimate compliment he
could bestow. She stuck her small chest out again for him. But if
she was really pleased, why was there something else, something
like fear in those eerily glassy brown eyes?
"I bet if we settled on sixty, Amy would just love to spend the
afternoon with you, Mr. Jackson, wouldn't you, Amy?"
The girl bit her lower lip and nodded, her big eyes begging him to
accept the offer. Her mouth was so tight, her ass so hard and...
"Yes, Mr. Jackson. I'd loooove to go out with you on a date," she
cooed. Her tongue was darting all over her lips now, her hands
rubbing her ass and hips. Jesus, she was wet at the prospect of
spreading her legs for him, spreading her legs and doing other
things... His erection was pulling a tent out from his trousers.
"It isn't your money, Jackson," Kathryn Baines reminded him.
"So who gets hurt? Besides, Amy knows ALL the safe places to
go, places that only girls like Amy know about. Go on, tell Mr.
Jackson. Answer the questions you know he has for you."
Amy giggled, cocking her head shyly to one side. "Well, I'm a
clean girl-- I have a doctor's certificate to prove it, so I won't give
you anything. I promise Mr. Jackson!"
Jackson blushed. It was the first thing he had wondered about the
girl upon seeing her for the first time.
"And I know the best little place to have a date! It's called the
Honeymooners Motor Court. Rooms only cost ten dollars an
hour and clean sheets are only five dollars extra! And I swear I'll
never, ever tell anyone!" The girl was looking at him, pleading
with him to take her to a cheap dive and fuck her brains out.
What was wrong with this picture?
"What's going on here?" he suddenly demanded.
Kathryn Baines didn't answer the question. But she did put two
objects on the table, objects which terrified the preening, pleading
"Take these in case she gets out of line. She can be such a BAD
GIRL from time to time, Mr. Jackson."
Jackson picked up the shiny metal handcuffs and riding crop with
wonder and awe. The bottle-made blonde was eyeing him with
white faced fright. There was a warm, coppery taste in his
mouth. Christmas had come in the middle of June.
"Is 'sexy' worth an extra ten grand?"
What ever was going on here, he could care less about. It wasn't
his money. He nodded. "Yes, Ms. Baines. We have a deal. But
I want all afternoon-- not just an hour." Had the secretary sighed
at that? Were her lips trembling? If no longer made any
difference to him. He shook the hand that reached across the
Kathryn watched Jackson as he began pawing Amy on the way
out of her office. The ink wasn't dry yet on the agreement and he
was feeling her up, probably in the elevator by now. She would
be tired from God knew what Jackson would do to her that long
summer afternoon, but Kathryn already had visions of what little
tricks she would teach Amy that night...things the live-in bisexual
slut could do to make her mistress-lover cum. It had been three
years and she had barely begun with her plaything.
She closed the office and climbed into her Ferrari. Wendell had
washed it as instructed. Such a good servant when he wasn't
drunk. Kathryn loved the way he and Amy snapped at each other
these days, loved ordering them to be quiet. The smile vanished
though. She was pensive as she thought about a problem as the
sleek sportscar sped her along to her next meeting.
Amy was coming along nicely. She had been a wonderful
secretary and had helped her close hundreds of deals like this. But
Kathryn was increasingly concerned that Amy was enjoying her
afternoon male 'dates' more than she should. It was as if pleasing
another woman wasn't enough, that full satisfaction could only
come from a man. She had seen in some of the videos she had
Amy perform in with Kathryn's unsuspecting business customers
and clients-- a look of release, of love even on the flushed wan
It had to be stopped at once of course. Kathryn would brook no
such feelings. Amy would learn to derive her pleasure from her
mistress's orgasms and THEN Kathryn might allow her pet to
enjoy herself-- and then only by virtue of making love to her
mistress. She would have to be taken from situations where men
were about and kept only for Kathryn's lust. Kathryn had already
decided what to do: the French maid outfit would look delicious
on Amy. Training the slut to become bisexual was fun; breaking
her into forced full-time lesbianism an absolute delight!
But who to take her place as a slut secretary? Her next meeting
provided the answer. A young couple trying to buy their first
home, one of the cheap ranch houses in Baineswood, her newest
real estate development. The wife a sharp, assertive redhead, the
husband some blue collar dolt. The newlywed wife had the
poutiest lips...
"You don't have enough of a downpayment, I afraid. Let's talk
rent to own, shall we?" she offered generously.
The wife nodded, the sparkling green eyes and red hair bobbing in
cautious optimism back at her. Kathryn took care not to eye too
obviously the pert pair of 34Bs that jiggled under the woman's sun
dress. Amy would be soooo jealous of her new playmate's bigger
chest size.
The young wife was already asking details, so anxious to take
this next step in adulthood, all of which Kathryn answered
reassuringly, soothingly, addressing herself to the redhead, while
the double-digit IQ'd hubby listened in mild confusion.
This would be fun.
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mistress's slut
Three years later...
For a mini-financial empire, Baines Holding Company was
actually headquartered in a small office suite, comprising of
Kathryn Baine's sumptuous office that could and did second as a
conference room and the small anteroom outside where a bored
secretary sat filing her nails.
Jackson had drunk in the secretary when he had come for the
meeting. She was a medium-sized blonde with average looks and
build, but her overall bearing was definitely less than professional.
And from the obviously dark roots, the hair color was definitely
temporary. He couldn't believe the twenty-something was
dressed for her work, unless the work was streetwalking. The
yellow tube top, the tiny spandex blue miniskirt, the yellow silk
stockings and blue high heels-- it all spelled SLUT in big bright
letters. She was a class-A bimbo, even down to the gum
"Tim Jackson here to see Kathryn Baines, Miss," he looked at the
name plate but there was no last name, 'uh, Amy."
The blonde fluttered her eyes and ran her hands through her hair,
a big, wild mop of platinum curls that ran crazily off her
shoulders. She eyed him with an intensity that caught him off
guard. Was she hot for him, or was that just imagination? And
him with a wife and two kids.
"Yes, sir, Mr. Jackson," she purred. "Ms. Baines?" she spoke into
the intercom. "Mr. Jackson is here to see you."
The cold, efficient voice of Kathryn Baines responded promptly.
"Be a good girl and make sure he's comfortable, Amy. I'll be with
him in ten minutes. Then come in here. I need you for
"Yes, Ma'am. At once Ma'am," the secretary replied. Was that
fear he heard in her voice? But she was smiling now, smiling at
him, her attention focused on the executive. She immediately
thrust out her pert little A-cup breasts in his direction and beamed
a big, playful smile at the visitor. He noticed the subtle grind the
girl made as she put her hands demurely on her hips as she rose.
"May I fetch you some coffee, Mr. Jackson? A soft drink?" She
pouted when he shook his head. "Nothing, Sir? Please, if I can
get anything for you, make you more comfy in ANY way I
can...." She let the promise hang, as she played with her hair, her
eyes obviously lingering in the direction of Jackson's crotch. He
couldn't believe what a slutty performance the bimbo was putting
on for him...except for one thing. It was working. He was
smiling-- in contempt, true. But he was smiling. And he was
getting an erection.
With a sexy sulky look, she opened Kathryn Baine's door. As the
door closed, Jackson could hear muffled talking and an
occasional giggle from the secretary. Twenty minutes later she
emerged, wiping her lips with one hand and pulling up her tube
top with the other.
"Ms. Baines will see you now, sir." Her brown eyes were
burning coals for him. He was happily married and she wasn't
beautiful or anything, but Tim Jackson was thinking hard about
getting her phone number. He hadn't seen any ring on her finger
and she was more than available. If he knew his women
correctly, this slut was hungry for a good, hard cock.
"Jackson? Jackson?" Kathryn tried to get his attention from the
blonde's swaying ass, a bright blue pendulum in her spandex
miniskirt. As the horny little secretary bent over to do some
filing, he could see without any problem that she was wearing a
red thong lace panty! He forced himself to stand up and smile at
Kathryn. He was holding his briefcase over his midsection.
Wouldn't do to let the Dragon Lady see him with an erection.
"So, the Bentson County Toxic Waste Authority wants my
property,' she began, seating herself behind the massive desk.
Jackson pulled out the papers. "Yes, we want to expand and as
you know the property is essentially worthless now-- a fact you
can't disapprove of, given that your father pushed for the facility a
few years ago. Are there any tenants currently in the property?"
"Daddy wanted to clean up the trash problem here in Bentson,
Mr. Jackson." The severe blond smiled. Jackson was repulsed.
She was attractive in a conventional way, but she was so damn
cold, a damn Ice Queen. "But that doesn't mean I'm giving
anything away. As to the tenants, no, there are none. There was
as a couple who lived there years ago, but they divorced and split
up. My secretary as a matter of fact and her ex-husband. They
BOTH work for me so I let her husband stay at a rooming house I
own as part of his compensation. I use him as a janitor at the
factory I own."
"And, the uh, secretary?,' Jackson asked, a little flushed.
"She rents from me, again part of our employment arrangement. I
have a spare bedroom I let her live in. Very convenient to have
her around night and day. Commerce never sleeps Mr. Jackson!"
Kathryn Baines used one of her father's favorite expressions.
"Back to figures, Mr. Jackson. What figure are you proposing?"
"Fifty thousand and you level the house." She was known as a
tough negotiator and he didn't flinch as he made the offer.
"Sixty...and YOU level it," she countered.
Jackson could go to sixty but what the hell choice did she have?
Why should he let her off the hook? Records showed her father
had foreclosed on the property and made a killing. She would
already make more than enough. He shook his head, refusing the
"Do you like my secretary, Mr. Jackson?" Before he could
answer, she buzzed the young woman in. Amy pranced in, as if
she had been expecting this, readying herself.
"Well, Mr. Jackson?" she repeated.
Jackson gulped. The peroxide blonde was licking her lips, hands
on her hips, looking straight at him... "She's an attractive young
woman, Ms. Baines, still I hardly know what this has to--"
"Just 'attractive'? Look you're hurting Amy's feelings!" Baines
smirked in mock indignation. And in fact the secretary was
pouting, her lower lip stuck out petulantly.
"Very pretty then."
"Would you say 'sexy' Mr. Jackson?" Kathyrn Baines demanded.
His vocal cord was there, he knew it. He found it, then managed
a low "Yes." The girl beamed now, the ultimate compliment he
could bestow. She stuck her small chest out again for him. But if
she was really pleased, why was there something else, something
like fear in those eerily glassy brown eyes?
"I bet if we settled on sixty, Amy would just love to spend the
afternoon with you, Mr. Jackson, wouldn't you, Amy?"
The girl bit her lower lip and nodded, her big eyes begging him to
accept the offer. Her mouth was so tight, her ass so hard and...
"Yes, Mr. Jackson. I'd loooove to go out with you on a date," she
cooed. Her tongue was darting all over her lips now, her hands
rubbing her ass and hips. Jesus, she was wet at the prospect of
spreading her legs for him, spreading her legs and doing other
things... His erection was pulling a tent out from his trousers.
"It isn't your money, Jackson," Kathryn Baines reminded him.
"So who gets hurt? Besides, Amy knows ALL the safe places to
go, places that only girls like Amy know about. Go on, tell Mr.
Jackson. Answer the questions you know he has for you."
Amy giggled, cocking her head shyly to one side. "Well, I'm a
clean girl-- I have a doctor's certificate to prove it, so I won't give
you anything. I promise Mr. Jackson!"
Jackson blushed. It was the first thing he had wondered about the
girl upon seeing her for the first time.
"And I know the best little place to have a date! It's called the
Honeymooners Motor Court. Rooms only cost ten dollars an
hour and clean sheets are only five dollars extra! And I swear I'll
never, ever tell anyone!" The girl was looking at him, pleading
with him to take her to a cheap dive and fuck her brains out.
What was wrong with this picture?
"What's going on here?" he suddenly demanded.
Kathryn Baines didn't answer the question. But she did put two
objects on the table, objects which terrified the preening, pleading
"Take these in case she gets out of line. She can be such a BAD
GIRL from time to time, Mr. Jackson."
Jackson picked up the shiny metal handcuffs and riding crop with
wonder and awe. The bottle-made blonde was eyeing him with
white faced fright. There was a warm, coppery taste in his
mouth. Christmas had come in the middle of June.
"Is 'sexy' worth an extra ten grand?"
What ever was going on here, he could care less about. It wasn't
his money. He nodded. "Yes, Ms. Baines. We have a deal. But
I want all afternoon-- not just an hour." Had the secretary sighed
at that? Were her lips trembling? If no longer made any
difference to him. He shook the hand that reached across the
Kathryn watched Jackson as he began pawing Amy on the way
out of her office. The ink wasn't dry yet on the agreement and he
was feeling her up, probably in the elevator by now. She would
be tired from God knew what Jackson would do to her that long
summer afternoon, but Kathryn already had visions of what little
tricks she would teach Amy that night...things the live-in bisexual
slut could do to make her mistress-lover cum. It had been three
years and she had barely begun with her plaything.
She closed the office and climbed into her Ferrari. Wendell had
washed it as instructed. Such a good servant when he wasn't
drunk. Kathryn loved the way he and Amy snapped at each other
these days, loved ordering them to be quiet. The smile vanished
though. She was pensive as she thought about a problem as the
sleek sportscar sped her along to her next meeting.
Amy was coming along nicely. She had been a wonderful
secretary and had helped her close hundreds of deals like this. But
Kathryn was increasingly concerned that Amy was enjoying her
afternoon male 'dates' more than she should. It was as if pleasing
another woman wasn't enough, that full satisfaction could only
come from a man. She had seen in some of the videos she had
Amy perform in with Kathryn's unsuspecting business customers
and clients-- a look of release, of love even on the flushed wan
It had to be stopped at once of course. Kathryn would brook no
such feelings. Amy would learn to derive her pleasure from her
mistress's orgasms and THEN Kathryn might allow her pet to
enjoy herself-- and then only by virtue of making love to her
mistress. She would have to be taken from situations where men
were about and kept only for Kathryn's lust. Kathryn had already
decided what to do: the French maid outfit would look delicious
on Amy. Training the slut to become bisexual was fun; breaking
her into forced full-time lesbianism an absolute delight!
But who to take her place as a slut secretary? Her next meeting
provided the answer. A young couple trying to buy their first
home, one of the cheap ranch houses in Baineswood, her newest
real estate development. The wife a sharp, assertive redhead, the
husband some blue collar dolt. The newlywed wife had the
poutiest lips...
"You don't have enough of a downpayment, I afraid. Let's talk
rent to own, shall we?" she offered generously.
The wife nodded, the sparkling green eyes and red hair bobbing in
cautious optimism back at her. Kathryn took care not to eye too
obviously the pert pair of 34Bs that jiggled under the woman's sun
dress. Amy would be soooo jealous of her new playmate's bigger
chest size.
The young wife was already asking details, so anxious to take
this next step in adulthood, all of which Kathryn answered
reassuringly, soothingly, addressing herself to the redhead, while
the double-digit IQ'd hubby listened in mild confusion.
This would be fun.
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